Singapore Travel Expenses

We were in Singapore for such a short time, only four days, that reporting on expenses seems a bit unnecessary. However, for the sake of completion, here we go. This is short and to the point.

We spent an average of $131 a day over four days. This doesn’t really reflect the cost of travelling to Singapore though. We spent a good chunk of money on the flight there, which was only split among our four short days, and we were staying with a friend, which eliminated our accommodation costs. Because of these reasons our numbers are a bit funny, but nonetheless here they are.

Transportation: Our flight from Bali to Singapore was $78 a person. We also took a cab from the airport and rode the public transit system every day.
Restaurants: The difference in cost between cheap and mid-range restaurants is huge in Singapore. When we ate at hawker centers our average meal was only around $6 for the two of us. Conversely, we had a very memorable meal with Sharon at Chili’s (felt like we were home!) and it cost us $62.
Tourism: Our tourism activities were pricey, but we made it all the way to Singapore, so we had to do them. $41 on tickets to Gardens by the Bay, $35 on two beers as our required entry to the Sky Park of the Marina Bay Sands, and $15 on tickets to the National Gallery.
Other: On gifts for Sharon, the least we could do to thank her for her generosity.
Drinks: We spent money here on bubble tea and a bottle of wine. Drinking is heavily taxed and crazy expensive in Singapore. You can easily spend more on a pint of beer than your whole dinner, so if you want to save some money it’s best to just avoid it.
Grocery: We only ever needed a bottle of water and some more shampoo.
Accommodations: None. Thank you Sharon for taking great care of us!
