Our Top Ten

One of the most frequent questions we got after our return home was, ‘where was your favorite place?’ This question makes a lot of sense. Everyone wanted to know a bit more about our trip and they were also hunting for some travel recommendations. But truth be told, we hated this question because it was so hard for us to answer. So much had happened over the last 16 months and we had been to so many places that it seemed impossible to pick a single favorite. Our activities were also highly variable. How were we to compare a week of deathly strenuous hiking in Peru to a week spent on the beach in Thailand or to a week of exploring one of China’s massive cities? We enjoyed all these experiences, but for different reasons. So after we each stumbled through non-committal answers to this question the first few times (and probably giving the false impression that we weren’t impressed with anywhere we had been), Travis and I got together and we strategized how best to respond to this inquiry....